Marie-Luise Charlotte Weier
- “Special presentation: The fascinating world of the Arctic Circle captured in a book made of ice“ in the Red Dot Designmuseum, Essen (GER) 2023 – PYRY.
- Sonderausstellung “Best Brands & Communication Design – Red Dot Winners Selection 2023” in the Museum für Kommunikation Berlin – PYRY.
- “Friedrichsplatz 05 – Guter Grund” in Rottweil (GER) 2023 – PYRY.
- Intervention in the exhibition “MUSTERUNG. POP UND POLITIK IN DER ZEITGENÖSSISCHEN TEXTILKUNST” as part of the UN:SEEN Werkschau in the Kunstmuseum Ravensburg (GER) 2022 – PYRY.
- “PROGRESS/PROCESS” in the Lapin Yliopisto in Rovaniemi (FIN) – about time and space.
- “Spring in Lapland” in the Lapin Yliopisto in Rovaniemi (FIN) – Always Spring never Fall…
Red Dot: Junior Prize 2023.
iF Design Student Award 2023.
Ravensburger Designpreis 2023.
ADC Talent Award 2023 - Auszeichnung.
SYMPLIFY Magazine of
Slanted Magazine #42—Books
International Yearbook Brands & Communication Design 2023/2024
Red Dot Gala at the Berlin Konzerthaus
iF Design Student Award Ceremony 2023 at the ARTER in Istanbul
»Transformation und Bewegung« des Magazins
Ravensburger Designpreis, BETWEEN Werkschau 2023.
ADC Creative Club, White Noise Stuttgart 2022.
UN:REVEALED, at the UN:SEEN Werkschau 2022 in Ravensburg.