Marie-Lu}ise{ Charlotte Weier

Marie-Luise worked as a trained media designer in a full-service agency & an online print shop. She studied dual media design at DHBW Ravensburg, completed a semester abroad at the University of Lapland (Finland) and worked as a tutor in the print workshop and AV technology rental. 
Since graduating with a bachelor's degree, she has worked as a designer and director in a media production company for documentary films - and she was in the student administration of the media design program at DHBW Ravensburg. 

She is currently studying in the master's program Contextual Design at the Design Academy Eindhoven (DAE) and works as a freelancer.

08 Winter Art & Design

A Winter Art and Design workshop at the Lapin Yliopisto | University of Lapland prepared basic knowledge about ice sculpting methods and techniques as well as lighting design in cold climates. I planned and made a functional ice environment in a public space:

An organic-shaped lectern & a wine bottle cooler for the igloo restaurant called Snowland in Rovaniemi (Finland).

This project was developed during the Erasmus semester abroad at the Lapin Yliopisto | University of Lapland.
10/2023 ISE