Marie-Lu}ise{ Charlotte Weier

Marie-Luise worked as a trained media designer in a full-service agency & an online print shop. She studied dual media design at DHBW Ravensburg, completed a semester abroad at the University of Lapland (Finland) and worked as a tutor in the print workshop and AV technology rental. 
Since graduating with a bachelor's degree, she has worked as a designer and director in a media production company for documentary films - and she was in the student administration of the media design program at DHBW Ravensburg. 

She is currently studying in the master's program Contextual Design at the Design Academy Eindhoven (DAE) and works as a freelancer.

04 Polen – Deutschland – Syrien

We start with Peter and his family in Poland at the time of the Second World War, reach Germany and experience Luay's escape backwards. We end up in the Syrian civil war.

The book has no page numbers or chapters, no table of contents and no explanation.
Sometimes you can orient yourself by kilometers, sometimes by days. Some months are densely summarized, other moments stretch over many pages. Thus, one gets used to the irritations and can use them as an orientation aid the longer one is on the road.

You hope to arrive and are taken along on the journey of personal destinies.

This project was developed while studying at the DHBW Ravensburg.
10/2023 ISE